新关注 > 信息聚合 > 你天天用的表情包,可能是Roguelike的老祖宗


The facial expression bag you use every day may be the ancestor of roguelike

2020-10-15 08:57:23来源: 游戏时光

  1982 年时,有个叫斯科特·法尔曼的计算机科学研究教授,负责管理卡内基梅隆大学的一个电子公告板,相当于早期的 BBS 论坛。  当时论坛上经常有人就诸如堕胎和校园停车这样的争议性问题发表意见。在无比微妙的风气下,一些调侃性质的笑话,也经常遭到精神敏感人士的误解和攻击。因此,法尔曼建议使用“:-)”来标记笑话,而“:-(”来区分严肃话题。斯科特·法尔曼  让他没想到的是,不仅论坛的氛围瞬间好了很多,而且不到一个月时间,斯坦福大学的同僚们也开始使用颜文字,没过多久就传播到了全世界。2002 年时,有人才从备份中挖出了法尔曼最早使用的颜文字  更有意思的是,这些代表欢快和悲伤的表情包,居然还跟电子游戏扯上了关系。给玩家们一个「:-)」  为什么颜文字能和游戏挂钩?可能先得从它的应用背景说起。  颜文字流行之初大

In 1982, Scott fallman, a computer science research professor, was responsible for managing an electronic bulletin board at Carnegie Mellon University, which was equivalent to the early BBS forum. At that time, controversial issues such as abortion and campus parking were often commented on in forums. Under the extremely subtle atmosphere, some jokes of a humorous nature are often misunderstood and attacked by sensitive people. Therefore, Farman suggests using ": -)" to mark jokes and ": - (" to distinguish serious topics. What Scott fallman didn't expect was that not only the atmosphere of the forum improved a lot in an instant, but within a month, colleagues at Stanford University also began to use facial script, which soon spread to the whole world. In 2002, someone dug up the first facial script used by fallman from the backup. What's more interesting is that these facial expression packs representing happiness and sadness are actually related to video games. Give players a '-' "why can Yan characters be linked to the game? Maybe we should start with its application background. The beginning of the popularity of Yan characters