新关注 > 信息聚合 > 【福利】《不思议的皇冠》10月16日发售,Steam国区售价58元


[welfare] the crown of no consideration will be on sale on October 16. Steam will sell for 58 yuan in China

2020-10-13 20:09:21来源: 游戏时光

  NExT Studios 出品的策略回合 Rogue 类 RPG《不思议的皇冠》将在 10 月 16 日 16:00 正式上架 Steam、WeGame 和 NS(国行+非国行),Steam 国区售价为 58 元。  本作采用纯手绘的美术风格,玩家能够使用多样的使魔、武器、魂器组成自己的战斗策略,探索多种风格的地下城,挑战充满危险的敌人与 boss。目前本作在 Steam 推出了试玩版,感兴趣的朋友不妨在 Steam 平台添加《不思议的皇冠》愿望单。点击此处添加愿望单  此外,官方还制作了一个 H5 小游戏,让大家可以在等待游戏上线的日子简单体验什么叫做「肉鸽」游戏:H5 小游戏游玩地址  在本文评论区留言,我们将抽取 10 位幸运玩家送出《不思议的皇冠》Steam 激活码。

Steam, wegame and NS (Bank of China + Non Bank of China) will be officially launched at 16:00 on October 16, with a price of 58 yuan for steam in China. This work adopts the pure hand-painted art style, players can use a variety of demons, weapons, Horcruxes to form their own combat strategy, explore a variety of styles of underground city, challenge the dangerous enemy and boss. At present, this work has launched a trial version in steam. If you are interested, you may as well add the wish list of "the crown of no consideration" on the steam platform. Click here to add a wish list. In addition, the government has also made a H5 game, so that you can easily experience what is called "Pigeon" game on the day of waiting for the game to go online: H5 game play address leave a message in the comments area of this article, we will select 10 lucky players to send out the steam activation code of "crown of the unthinkable".

标签: Steam