新关注 > 信息聚合 > 因为昵称涉嫌侵权,抖音一网红被任天堂起诉


Because nickname is suspected of infringement, Nintendo is prosecuted for its tiktok.

2020-10-11 16:33:49来源: 游戏时光

  以法务部无孔不入而著称的任天堂,近日将矛头指向了 TikTok(海外抖音)上一位名叫“pokeprincxss”的用户 —— 因为她的名字和宝可梦(Pokemon)扯上了关系。  pokeprincxss 在 TikTok 上有 190 万粉丝,Twitch 上同样有不少关注者。据其解释,“pokeprincxss”一词确实受到了宝可梦系列游戏的启发,她在身上纹了很多宝可梦的形象。由于粉丝众多,这位网红还经常会借助名气带货,甚至在线上法律平台 LegalZoom 中把网名注册成商标。  除此之外,pokeprincxss 也贩卖过以宝可梦为主题的商品,如精灵球模型。她过去认为使用宝可梦的形象没什么问题,因为网络上经常有人对其进行再创作,诸如周边和恶搞艺术也遍地都是。pokeprincxss  但两个月前,p

Nintendo, known all pervasive by the Ministry of justice, has recently directed tiktok on a TikTok called pokeprincxss, because her name is related to Pokemon. Pokeprincipxss has 1.9 million fans on tiktok and many followers on twitch. According to her explanation, the word "pokeprincipxss" is really inspired by the series of baokemeng games, and she has a lot of images of baokemeng tattooed on her body. Due to the large number of fans, the online celebrity often brings goods with the help of fame, and even registers his online name as a trademark in legalzoom, an online legal platform. In addition, pokeprincipxss has also sold products with the theme of baokemeng, such as elf ball models. She used to think that there was no problem using baokemeng's image, because it was often recreated on the Internet, such as peripheral and spoof art. But two months ago, P

标签: 任天堂 抖音