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《胡闹厨房 全都好吃》正式公布 完全重制前两部作品

"The kitchen is all delicious" officially announced the complete remake of the first two works

2020-10-12 13:10:30来源: 游戏时光

  GSE 正式公布了《胡闹厨房 全都好吃》(Overcooked! All You Can Eat),本作将对《胡闹厨房》和《胡闹厨房2》进行完全的重制升级,登录 Xbox Series X 和 PS5 平台,支持跨平台联机。视频地址  《胡闹厨房 全都好吃》将收录系列前作中的 200 个特色关卡,还会追加 7 个全新关卡和全新的奖杯与成就。另外,本作在次世代主机上能够以 4K 60 帧运行。  《胡闹厨房 全都好吃》以全新的游戏引擎对《胡闹厨房》和《胡闹厨房2》进行了完全的重制升级,还提供了辅助模式和简易性选项。辅助模式延长暂停时间的能力增加每个关卡的限制时间可以跳过困难关卡简易性功能向量化的使用方便读写障碍人士的文字内容追加色盲辅助选项

GSE has officially announced "overcooked! All you can eat". This work will completely remake and upgrade the "mischievous kitchen" and "mischievous kitchen 2", log in to Xbox series X and ps5 platform, and support cross platform online. The video address "monkey kitchen is all delicious" will include 200 special levels in the previous series, as well as 7 new levels and new trophies and achievements. In addition, this work can run at 4K 60 frames on the next generation host. "Monkey kitchen all delicious" with a new game engine to "monkey kitchen" and "monkey kitchen 2" for a complete remake upgrade, but also provides auxiliary mode and simplicity options. Auxiliary mode can extend the pause time, increase the limit time of each level, can skip the difficult level, simple function vectorization is easy to use, easy to read and write the text content of people with disabilities, add color blind auxiliary options