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The StarCraft 2 players look forward to to scorning the world

2015-06-16 13:07:52来源: 新浪

在中国《星际争霸2》的首次,中国国手MacSed(胡翔)、XY(向遥)及Jim(曹晋辉)有幸获得SPL 15赛季战队联赛的邀请。作为韩国最高水平的专业性比赛,代表中国星际2顶尖实力的选手异国战斗,似乎有点水土不服,MacSed作为中国首秀队员,在经过惨败之后,Jim和XY也相继缺席SPL...

in China "interstellar contend for hegemony 2" for the first time, XY and China national champion MacSed (HU) Xiang Yao and Jim Cao Jinhui have privileged access to the invitation of the SPL 15 season team league. As South Korea's highest level of professional competition, on behalf of China StarCraft 2 top strength player exotic battle, there seems to be a bit acclimatized, MacSed as China's first show players, in after the fiasco, Jim and XY have also absent SPL...

标签: 星际争霸