新关注 > 信息聚合 > 女高考生玩手游突发灵感 穿越照走红网络

女高考生玩手游突发灵感 穿越照走红网络

Female college students play mobile games sudden inspiration through popular network

2015-06-13 12:31:12来源: 07073游戏网

近日,一组“女高考生的穿越照”爆红网络,一张张精美而又有创意的穿越图,受到网友们的疯狂关注。图片刚一发出,迅速成为各大网站上搜索的热闻。 07073产业原创,转载请注明出处。 据了解,这位女孩是刚刚参加完紧张又激烈的高考的一名考生,同时还是中国版超级英雄手游《穿越吧!主公》的忠实玩...

recently, a group of "female college students through photo red burst network, a beautiful and creative through, by the mad attention of netizens. The picture just came out, quickly become the hot smell of search on each big website. 07073 industry original, reproduced please specify the source. It is understood, the girl is just attended an intense college entrance examination is a candidate, is also China's version of the superhero tour the through it! The tetrarch "loyal players...

标签: 手游