新关注 > 信息聚合 > 10M包的暗黑世界《奇迹西游》IOS正版今日首发


10m package of dark world "miracle swims on the west" IOS edition today for the first time

2015-06-12 11:32:10来源: 不凡游戏网

今日(6月12日),由君海游戏发行的首款公会战动作升级RPG《奇迹西游》正式发布IOS正版,游戏已在App store火爆上线。即刻起,只要在苹果App store上搜索“奇迹西游”即可下载该游戏。史上最小的小包RPG手游,10M包的暗黑世界!千人公会PVP、跨服对战、魔宠养成……,更有...

today (June 12), issued by the king of the sea game first public battle action upgrade RPG of the miracle swims on the west "the official release of IOS edition, the game has popular in the app store and on-line. Now, as long as the search "miracle journey" can be in the apple App store to download the game. History of the smallest packet RPG hand travel, 10M bag of the Diablo world! Thousand people guild PVP, cross service to fight, demon to develop...... And more...

标签: iOS