新关注 > 信息聚合 > New3DS处境尴尬:制作人不愿为其开发专属游戏


New3DS in an awkward position: producer than for its developing exclusive games

2015-06-10 10:07:24来源: 新浪

虽然3DS在游戏掌机界的霸主地位无可撼动,但其后续机型New3DS似乎并没有表面上那么风光。性能、设计上均有进步的New3DS去年10月份 上市以来,多种新功能的加入在开卖初期吸引了不少关注,但专用游戏将无法在旧版3DS上运行这一缺点也引发了不少担忧。从市场表现上看,New3DS似乎 并...

although 3DS handheld game world dominance no shake, but the subsequent models New3DS seems and no surface so beautiful. Performance and design has the progress of New3DS in October last year since listing, a variety of new features on sale early attracted a lot of attention, but dedicated game will not be able to in the old version of the 3DS operation this shortcoming by adding also triggered a many concerns. From the market performance, New3DS seems to and...

标签: 游戏