新关注 > 信息聚合 > 官方微博:《炉石传说》第四个游戏模式即将推出


The official micro-blog: "hearthstone" fourth game modes will launch

2015-06-09 10:54:18来源: 电玩巴士

把时间调回上周。暴雪为《炉石传说》增添了一个新角色——可惜只是一个售价60块钱的看上去没什么用的皮肤。消息传出后玩家群体中反响很大,有许多人认为暴雪不厚道。有趣的是在这一消息发酵之后,一位暴雪的工作人员(由于据称此人已被暴雪方面警告,故略去他的名字)在他的微博上这样说道: 果不其然,...

put time back last week. Blizzard added a new role to the "furnace stone legend" - but it is a pity that only a $60 looks like no use. The news response group has great game player, many people think that Blizzard is not kind. Is interesting in the news after fermentation, a blizzard staff (because of alleged the person is blizzard warnings, so spent his name) on his micro blog said: unsurprisingly,...

标签: 游戏 炉石传说