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梦幻西游手游大神终极问答 关于合宠不得不说的故事

Fantasy Westward Journey, travel the great God ultimate quiz about pet have to say the story of the

2015-06-08 11:53:17来源: 不凡游戏网

合宠炼妖是梦幻西游端游和手游的独有特色。将随意两只宝宝进行合宠,就能诞生一只全新资质、技能的宝宝。超极品12技能宝宝就是这么来的。但是“打造穷一生,合宠毁三代”这话,还是让很多人对于合宠心有余悸。那么,合宠炼妖是否有啥不为人知的技巧呢? 近日,有位自称梦幻大神的玩家,就此问题给出了杀伤力...

pet demon is the unique characteristics of dream swims on the west end of the tour and tour. Will be free to two baby pet, will be able to birth a new qualification, skills baby. Super gourmet 12 skills baby is so come. "Create a poor life, but he destroyed three generations that pet", or so many people to have a lingering fear. So, do you have any pet demon with unknown skill? Recently, a claim to the God of the fantasy game player, gives...

标签: 手游 梦幻西游