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大话西游手游仙族全介绍 暴力AOE输出种族

The whole journey to the West Mobile Games family violence AOE output race

2015-06-05 17:48:20来源: 4399

大话西游手游仙族作为游戏内最强的AOE种族,各种强力的AOE技能让人目不暇接,各种给力法术也能让自身输出爆炸!!一起来看看仙族介绍吧~ 群体法术攻击强大,出手则秒杀数人。做为队伍中最强大的火力,仙族如能打造好装备,擅用克五行,可不断挑战输出伤害的巅峰。 在伤害上做到极致,如能在战斗中...

Westward Journey game Mobile Games family as the strongest AOE race, all powerful AOE skills dizzying, all kinds of awesome spells can also make their own output explosion!! Have a look the family ~ group powerful magic attack, the number of people Seckill shots. Do as the team's most powerful firepower and family to build a good equipment, unauthorized grams of the five elements, can continue to challenge the pinnacle of damage output. In the ultimate damage, such as in the fight...

标签: 手游 大话西游