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特殊的爬塔技巧 十万个冷笑话手游雷轰塔阵容全解析

Special tower climbing skills 1 00000 cold joke hand thunder Bang tower lineup full resolution

2015-06-05 17:03:41来源: 4399

在十万个冷笑话手游中雷轰塔实行伤害积累机制,即每层通关之后不能恢复成满血状态。不过莫慌!今天就给小编就带来雷轰塔的最佳推塔阵容推荐,保证妥妥的! 一套合理的卡牌是保证胜利的关键。由于雷轰塔的机制,各位吐槽星人可要提前准备好一套有T有奶的同时又能保证输出的完美阵容。欧鸡酱、六娃、灵珑子,...

in thousands joke hand thunder Bang tower implement damage accumulation mechanism, namely after the clearance of each layer cannot be restored to the state of full of blood. But Mo panic! Today, to bring a small series of tower on the best push tower lineup recommended, to ensure that duly! A reasonable card is the key to guarantee victory. Due to the mechanism of the tower, you Tucao star person can be prepared in advance of a T with milk and can guarantee the perfect lineup of output. Oh, baby, six chicken sauce exqus sub,...

标签: 手游