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联盟传说英雄暴走女王怎么样 英雄技能解析

League of Legends of heroes runaway queen how heroic analytical skills

2015-06-05 04:45:07来源: 4399

在联盟传说游戏中拥有众多英雄种类,暴走女王作为一个强输出的英雄,他有怎样的特点呢?暴走女王怎么样?今天4399雅熙就来说下联盟传说英雄暴走女王技能属性解析。 ▍暴走女王 职业特征 暴走女王是一个远程输出职业,拥有较强的物理攻击,同时自身防御和生命值比较低,适合做团队中辅助。 技能...

in league of legends game has many types of heroes, runaway queen as a strong output hero, he has what characteristics? Go ballistic queen? Today, 4399 for the legend of heroes Union City queen go ballistic skill attribute analysis. 's runaway queen occupational characteristics of runaway queen is a remote output of the job, have a strong physical attacks, while their defense and life value is relatively low, suitable for do team assisted. Skills...