新关注 > 信息聚合 > 格斗联盟17日国服首测 独家曝光三大职业视频

格斗联盟17日国服首测 独家曝光三大职业视频

Fighting League 17, the country's first test service exclusive exposure three professional video

2015-06-05 08:08:55来源: 17173

畅游代理未来都市3D超凡格斗网游《格斗联盟》将于6月17日开启国服首测,今日客户端下载正式开放!今日17173为大家独家曝光三大职业视频,赶快来先睹为快! 《格斗联盟》拳术格斗家里欧 里欧(英文名:Leo),使用拳头作为自己的武器,能用华丽的拳术毁灭敌人。当角色到达15级后,可以转...

tour agency future urban 3D extraordinary fighting games "fighting the alliance" will be on June 17, opened the country's first test service, client today download officially opened! Today, 17173 for all three exclusive occupation exposure video, soon to be all eagerness to see it! "Fighting the alliance" boxing fighting home Leo Leo (English Name: Leo), use of fists as their weapon to destroy the enemy with a gorgeous boxing. When the character reaches level 15, you can turn it around....

标签: 视频