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大象的鼻子不一般 《吹飞大作战》评测

An elephant's nose is not generally the blow fly big fight "evaluation

2015-06-02 18:18:50来源: 4399

一般和朋友们聊天,只要听到对方在吹牛,就会让他看天上是不是有牛在飞,为什么呢,因为有人在地上吹呗,当然了,这只是朋友之间的开玩笑而已。今天小编要为大家介绍的这款休闲娱乐游戏《吹飞大作战》就是真正的有人在地上吹啊,不对,是有大象在地上吹啊,赶紧来看看是怎么回事吧。 游戏采用了横版2D挑战...

general chat with friends, just to hear each other in bragging, will let him see the sky is not cattle are flying, why, because there are people on the ground and blow it. Of course, this is just between friends joking. Today Xiaobian to introduce this game entertainment "blow fly combat" is the real people in the blowing ah, right, is the elephant in blowing ah, hurry to see what is going on. The game uses a horizontal version of the 2D challenge...