新关注 > 信息聚合 > cf最炫幸运星6月 cf活动超值装备道具购买资格

cf最炫幸运星6月 cf活动超值装备道具购买资格

Cf the coolest lucky star June CF activity value of props and equipment purchase qualifications

2015-06-02 11:20:36来源: 站长之家

《CF》6月最炫幸运星活动再次开启啦!6月最炫幸运星有哪些道具呢?只有折扣优惠资格才可以哟!下面和小编一起看看吧! 活动地址>>>点击进入 活动时间:6月1日-6月4日 活动内容 活动规则: 1.在活动期间,被选中获得幸运资格的角色可以选择购买任意一款道具,但每个QQ只能购买一...

"CF" June most unusual lucky star activities open again! What are the most dazzling star in June what props? Only discount eligibility can yo! Below and together to see the bar! Activities address > > > Click to enter the event time: June 1 - June 4, content rules: 1. During the activity, was selected to get the role of lucky qualification can choose to buy any item, but each QQ can only buy a...

标签: CF