新关注 > 信息聚合 > 索尼承诺下周推送PS4《终极街霸4》修复补丁


Sony promises next week push PS4 the ultimate street fighter 4 "repair patch

2015-05-30 16:37:43来源: 天极网

【Yesky新闻频道消息】据此前报道,PS4平台的格斗大作《终极街霸4》(Ultra Street Fighter 4)并没有玩家享受到的体感快感,而是接连不断的Bug。 索尼承诺下周推送PS4《终极街霸4》修复补丁 很多玩家纷纷抱怨说,游戏里存在着非常多的鬼畜般的图像迟滞显示错误...

[Yesky News Channel News] according to previous reports, PS4 platform of fighting for the ultimate street fighter 4" (ultra Street Fighter 4) and no players to enjoy the sense of pleasure, but a succession of bug. Sony promises next week push PS4 the ultimate street fighter 4 "fixes many players have complained that game there are very many ghost livestock like image lag error.

标签: PS 索尼 PS4