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洪荒后代 《诛仙3》新版新职业全网公开

Descendants of the prehistoric "kill celestial being 3" version of the new professional network public

2015-05-26 19:13:30来源: 新浪

《诛仙3》全新版本“风舞九天”即将上线,翘首以待青罗众生相。全新职业“青罗”无疑是仙友们瞩目的焦点,随着“青罗”的逐步揭秘,有关于洪荒大陆的往事也首次再度被人们提起,洪荒世界的风也格外引人向往。 《诛仙3》全新版本“风舞九天”即将来袭 既有“且静花开浅水边”的温柔,又因“轻纱曼舞弄...

"kill celestial being 3" the new version of "wind dance for nine days" will be on the line, eagerly waiting for the green Luo sentient beings. New career, green Luo "is undoubtedly the focus of attention of Xianyou, with" green Luo "gradually secret, past a prehistoric continent for the first time was again raised, a prehistoric world wind are particularly attractive. "Kill celestial being 3" the new version of "wind dance for nine days" incoming "and static flowers shallow water side" of the tender, because "veil man brandish.

标签: 诛仙