新关注 > 信息聚合 > 航海王启航好基友全曝光 无基情不游戏

航海王启航好基友全曝光 无基情不游戏

Wang Qihang, a good friend of the entire exposure of the game

2015-05-22 16:04:11来源: 4399

谁说男人之间无真爱?“海贼王”绝对处处是基情!路飞与艾斯生死相依,山治与索隆打情骂俏,红发与鹰眼相爱相杀……如今,这群“好兄弟”携手加盟《航海王启航》,为伙伴们演绎截然不同的各类“基友”情! 生死相守:艾斯&路飞 每每念及路飞和艾斯,小编便要感叹“有一种感情叫至死不渝”。即使全无血...

no foundation no game who said no love between men? "One piece" absolutely everywhere is the base situation! Luffy and Esther and Sauron in love in life and death, he fell in love with red hair, kill hawkeye...... Today, this group of good brother join in the voyage Wang Qihang, for the partners to deduce a totally different kinds of friends of the base! Life together: ACE & Luffy often read and Luffy and Exelon, small knitting will sigh "there is a feeling that will never change until death". Even without blood...

标签: 游戏