新关注 > 信息聚合 > EA手游部门总裁Frank Gibeau宣布离职

EA手游部门总裁Frank Gibeau宣布离职

EA Mobile Games division president Frank Gibeau announced departure

2015-05-20 23:48:22来源: 17173

据海外媒体透露,EA Mobile总裁Frank Gibeau宣布离职。在此之前,他此前曾任EA移动游戏执行副总裁,更早之前曾经是EA Games和EA Labels总裁。从Polygon的消息来看,Frank于1991年加入EA,是该公司为数不多的元老级人物之一,在EA工作期间,Fra...

according to the overseas media reports, the EA Mobile president Frank Gibeau announced his resignation. Prior to this, he had previously served as executive vice president of EA mobile games, earlier Games EA and President Labels EA earlier. From the point of view of polygon, the news, Frank in 1991 joined EA, the company is one of the few senior figures. During the work for EA, and fra...

标签: 手游