新关注 > 信息聚合 > 抢先锁定激活码《无尽战区》火种计划


Preemptive locked activation code "endless war" spark plan

2015-05-15 21:35:11来源: 新浪

网易3D MOBA游戏新作《无尽战区》于今日正式推出“火种计划”官网专题。自5月7日《无尽战区》发布后赢得了玩家的广泛关注,现在,玩家可通过游戏官网进入“火种计划”专题,完成火种任务,获得火种积分,在不久的将来便可使用积分在火种商城中兑换游戏周边、首测激活码和英雄皮肤等丰厚奖品。 火种...

Netease 3D MoBa new "endless war" today officially launched the "spark plan" website topic. Since May 7, "endless war" after the release of won the wide attention internationally. Now, players can through the game's official website to enter the "spark plan" project, to complete the task of fire and fire points for, in the near future can use integral in fire mall exchange surrounding the game, the first test activation code and hero skin prizes. Fire...