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High play road to growth "punish evil" fighting never stop

2015-05-15 21:08:37来源: 新浪

诛邪CGWR 得分 CGWR:484 位 CGWR介绍 想要在乱世封神,尽享众人仰望?想要一统众神,成为无人可挡的高手玩家?无锁定2.5D动作网游《诛邪》承继封神演义里阐、截、道三教的纠缠争斗,以扬名立万为目标,化身玄冥、青阳、烈山踏入乱世诛妖除魔。各种激战永不停歇,助你达成高手...

punish evil cgwr score CGWR:484 cgwr introduction to chaos gods and enjoy the people looked up to? Want to dominate the gods, become unstoppable master game player? Without locking 2.5D action games "punish evil" inheritance Fengshen kingdoms in interpretation, section, Taoism entanglement battle to famous Wan Li as the goal, xuanming incarnation, Qingyang, Lieshan entered gone to punish the demon in addition to evil. All guild wars never stop, to help you achieve your master...