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永不落幕的传奇 魔兽世界首席设计师专访

Never ending of the developers, the king of Warcraft legends, the world's chief designer interview

2015-05-15 16:07:35来源: 多玩游戏

德拉诺之王开发者访谈20150515 venturebeat近日采访了魔兽世界首席游戏设计师Ion "Watcher" Hazzikostas,特别讨论了魔兽世界付费用户在德拉诺之王上线后的暴增……及其随之而来的猛降,让我们一起来看看。 暴雪娱乐并没有接受魔兽世界付费用户这样过山车...

Delano interviews 20150515 venture beat recently interviewed the world of Warcraft chief game designer ion "watcher" hazzikostas, especially discusses the world of Warcraft subscribers in Delano Wang on the line after the surge...... And the attendant down, let's have a look. Blizzard Entertainment does not accept World of Warcraft subscribers this roller coaster...

标签: 魔兽世界