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中青宝参展2015ChinaJoy 多款亮眼产品曝光

Zqgame exhibiting a variety of 2015ChinaJoy dazzling product exposure

2015-05-14 03:23:18来源: 太平洋游戏网

2015年ChinaJoy B To B综合商务洽谈区将于7月30日-8月1日在上海新国际博览中心举行。作为国内为数不多拥有自主研发、运营、代理能力的专业网络游戏公司,中青宝网将携3D现代装甲射击网游《最后一炮》、超级国战开创者网游《兵王2》等新作占据重要参展位,力争让展会现场的玩家们欢...

2015 years ChinaJoy B to B comprehensive business area on July 30 to August 1, held at the Shanghai New International Expo Center. As the number of do not have independent research and development, operation, agent ability of professional network game company, zqgame network will bring modern 3D armored shooting game the end of a gun ", super country war pioneer online games", 2 "new occupy important parameters booth, and strive to make the exhibition site players are welcome to...

标签: ChinaJoy