新关注 > 信息聚合 > 网易网络受到攻击 多款游戏无法登陆 损失过千万

网易网络受到攻击 多款游戏无法登陆 损失过千万

NetEase network attack games unable to login to the loss of tens of millions of

2015-05-13 15:58:27来源: 电玩巴士

网易网络受攻击危害大,产品宕机后网易9小时损失1500万。昨天晚上9点左右网易游戏、新闻、云音乐等服务大面积瘫痪,知道早晨才抢修修复,9个小时内估计损失了1500万,还被许多游戏玩家投诉、谩骂。 目前网易还没有公布宕机原因细节,只是声明被攻击和否认大厦起火传言。其实网易网络受攻击后的...

NetEase network attack damage, after 9 hours of downtime are NetEase loss 15000000. Last night at about 9 NetEase news, games, cloud music services such as large area paralysis, that morning before repair repair within 9 hours, the estimated loss of 15000000, have also been many game player complaints, abuse. At present, NetEase has not released details of the reasons for downtime, only to be attacked and building fire statement denied rumors. In fact, after the attack NetEase network...

标签: 游戏 网易