新关注 > 信息聚合 > cf5月兰的秘密基地活动 0元购买极品道具

cf5月兰的秘密基地活动 0元购买极品道具

The secret base of activity of 0 yuan to buy the best props

2015-05-12 15:16:04来源: 电玩巴士

cf5月兰的秘密基地活动开启,连续登陆三天游戏即可获得参与活动的资格,0元购买极品道具,你准备好了吗? : CF活动 cf兰的秘密基地5月的约定活动开启了,在活动期间获得资格的玩家都可以以0元的价格购买2件极品武器道具、10件热门武器道具和一件AVATAR道具。玩家在活动期间累计3...

cf5 bus cf5 month Blue Moon Orchid secret base activities open, continuous landing three days of the game to get the qualification to participate in the activities, 0 yuan to buy the best props, are you ready? CF CF: Blue secret base in May opened the agreed activities during the event, qualifying game player can be the price of 0 yuan to buy 2 pieces of the best weapons props, 10 pieces of hot weapon props and a AVATAR props. In the event the cumulative 3 game player...

标签: CF