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《山谷》登录Kickstarter众筹 不设目标资金

"Valley" login Kickstarter to raise the public does not set target funds

2015-05-12 11:28:50来源: 178游戏网

摘要:全新的沙盒PVP网游《Das Tal》(暂译:山谷)将于明天正式在Kickstarer平台上进行众筹。 【本文由178新游戏频道整编 转载请注明出处】 外媒讯,全新的沙盒PVP网游《Das Tal》(暂译:山谷)将于明天(5月13日)正式在Kickstarer平台上进行众筹...

Abstract: new PVP "Das Tal" sandbox games (provisional translation: Valley) will be held tomorrow officially on the Kickstarer platform for the public to raise. This paper is composed of 178 new game channel []. Please indicate the source of foreign media news, the new PVP "Das Tal" sandbox games (provisional translation: Valley) will be held tomorrow (May 13th) formally all the chips on the Kickstarer platform...

标签: 众筹