新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《天书世界》卡牌武将玩法震撼揭秘


"Mumbo-jumbo world" card generals lawrencekkimage

2015-05-11 16:36:51来源: 新浪

一款炉石传说,让暴雪重振旗鼓,也让卡牌类游戏重新登上了神坛。而这一次,由张靓颖代言的首款网游《天书世界》,也将在ARPG+SLG系列玩法中融入独具创意的“卡牌武将”新模式,为广大玩家带来一场精彩十足的“三国版炉石传说”! 【信仰圣光吧!四色武将卡牌惊艳来袭】 你有光明使者、地狱咆...

play a hearthstone, let the blizzard rally, also let the card game back onto the altar. This time, Jane Zhang endorsement by the first online "mumbo-jumbo world", will also play in the ARPG+SLG series into the creative "card generals" mode, bring a wonderful full version of "three furnace stone legend for the majority of game player"! [faith light! Four generals card] you have amazing struck Lightbringer, hell roar...