新关注 > 信息聚合 > 语录:关注女主播的努力,而不是她们的身价


Quotations: pay attention to female anchor efforts, rather than their worth

2015-05-11 06:19:35来源: 17173

原来只是昏倒啊,我一会都化成灰了呢 “大家关注Miss时,应该更多地提一些她在成功过程中经过了哪些努力,而不只是身价。”[原文] ——近来,电竞女主播Miss的身价被炒得沸沸扬扬,一度传出其年收入过千万。上周,MISS的签约公司NiceTV首次对媒体回应了传闻,称并没有这么高。 ...

just fainted ah, I will do "ashes of attention Miss, should be more to mention some of her success in the process of the work, not just worth." [sic] -- recently, the gaming anchorwoman Miss worth fired once out of their annual income raise a Babel of criticism of, millions of. Last week, the Signing company MISS NiceTV for the first time in response to the media rumors, that is not so high. ...

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