新关注 > 信息聚合 > 谁是RP之王?《龙之谷》绝版坐骑缤纷现世!


Who is the king of RP? "The Dragon Valley" horse out of print

2015-05-06 07:01:14来源: 天极网


colorful life! The world is so big, I want to have a look! Want to explore the Altria continent, must not pull the wind horse. Happy May "Dragon Valley" a gourmet RP battle! Horse out of print colorful life, only the king of RP had the opportunity to be in the bag. Between May 2nd and May 16th Saturday Sunday, as long as the total online time more than one hour, or have the opportunity to participate in sweepstakes, win out of permanent mounts. The red horse, unicorn, ghost horse...

标签: 龙之谷