新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《冰火破坏神》开启全民飞行季


"Diablo" ice open universal flight season

2015-05-06 06:38:00来源: 新浪

旗下暗黑风ARPG网游《冰火破坏神》已进入不删档测试阶段,该游戏以最纯正的暗黑风格质感赢得大多数玩家的赞许和认可,仅仅从网页端和微端就能够实现同类型经典系列端游的画面质感,表现力堪称顶级。本月更将推出全新的角色翅膀系统,让我们来先睹为快。 【全新翅膀系统 全民飞行季降临】 曾经,...

dark wind's ARPG online game "addict Diablo" has entered the testing phase does not delete files, the majority of the game player game to win the praise and recognition in the most pure dark style texture, just from the Webpage end and micro end can achieve the same type of classic series end tour the screen texture, called the top performance. This month will launch a new role of wings, let us be all eagerness to see it. The flight season [new wings system falls] once,...