新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《赤壁之战》今日19时新服开启


"The battle of Chibi" today 19 up-to-date service open

2015-05-05 14:18:52来源: 爱拍游戏

争当三国好青年,攻城略地泡美女,首款竞技国战网游《赤壁之战》将于今日19:00震撼开启两大新服。全新的国战玩法,刺激的竞技PK,让你五四青年节一次玩个痛快。现在加入新服“逐鹿天下”和“威震八方”,还有1000元点卡和首发坐骑等你拿哦! 热血新服 今日开启 【今日19时开新服 回到三国...

striving to three good youth, conquering bubble beauty, the first competitive online games "the battle of Chibi" will today from 19:00 shock opening two new clothes. The new national war play, stimulate competitive PK, let you Youth Day a play. Now add the new service "compete in the world" and "walking tall", there are 1000 yuan card and wait for you to take the first horse! The blood opened a new service today [today 19 new clothes back three...