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合金英雄收割者图鉴 属性技能详解

How about the hero of alloy Reaper spells Xiangjie

2015-05-01 12:57:47来源: 4399

合金英雄收割者怎么样?收割者是合金英雄中比较基础和初始的枪支,一起来了解一下吧! 名称:收割者 伤害属性:实弹 武器类型:散弹 初始星级:1 初始弹夹容量:30 对前方扇形区域造成5次实弹伤害并击退敌人。

alloy hero Reaper? The reaper is a foundation and initial alloy hero guns, a look at it! Name: Reaper damage attribute: Live weapons types: initial shotgun Star: 1 initial clip capacity: 30 in front of the sector by 5 fire damage and repel the enemy.