新关注 > 信息聚合 > 竞技之王《骑士3.0》8V8将开启新赛季


The king of the "Knight 3" competitive 8V8 will open the new season

2015-04-30 19:24:47来源: 新浪

骑士3.0 CGWR 得分 CGWR:441 位 CGWR介绍 你是否幻想过自己在竞技场上挥洒英姿的画面?成者王,败者寇,与队友完美配合击倒对手,精英战队将所向披靡、获得无上荣耀!3D奇幻战争PVP网游《骑士3.0》将举办大型新8V8竞技场积分制比赛,更公平公正的赛制,参赛即可获...

3 CGWR score CGWR:441 CGWR Knight introduced if you fancy yourself with heroic arena in the picture? A king, loser, and his teammates perfect knockouts, elite teams will receive great glory, carry the world before one! 3D fantasy warfare PVP Games "Knight 3" will be held in a large new 8V8 arena points game, more fair competition, competition can be obtained...