新关注 > 信息聚合 > 谈谈腾讯是如何将《脑力达人》进行本土化的


Talk about how to Tencent is "mental" Master localization "

2015-04-30 19:24:47来源: 4399

《脑力达人》的前身,是由来自冰岛的Plain Vanilla Games所开发、此前长期稳坐欧美免费榜榜首的问答社交手游《QuizUp》。由腾讯代理之后毫不意外的又掀起了一场全民答题热潮。与最早的游戏相比,腾讯对《QuizUp》进行了翻天覆地的大换血,在改造《脑力达人》的过程中也体现了中...

" mental Master predecessor, is from Iceland Plain Vanilla Games developed earlier, our top sit tight in the long-term social Q & a "QuizUp" Mobile Games. By the Tencent agent after unsurprisingly and set off a nationwide upsurge of answer. Compared with the first game, Tencent was the big shake to turn the world upside down "QuizUp", in the process of transformation of "mental Master" also reflected in the...

标签: 腾讯