新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《守望先锋》CG获威比奖最佳剪辑人民选择奖


"Watch" pioneer CG won the webby Award for best editing the people's Choice Awards

2015-04-30 12:26:34来源: 太平洋游戏网

暴雪公司旗下新游《守望先锋》宣传CG与暴雪以往的游戏CG有些许不同,《守望先锋》CG更类似于美国动画片,给玩家留下了深刻印象。日前《守望先锋》CG获威比奖(Webby Award)在线电影及视频最佳剪辑奖提名,最终虽然没有得奖,却获得了人民选择奖。 《守望先锋》宣传CG 威比奖是...

Blizzard's new "watch" propaganda pioneer CG and blizzard of previous games CG a bit different, "pioneer" CG watch is more similar to the American animation, game player to the left a deep impression. "Recently" CG won the webby awards and pioneer (Webby Award) online film and video Best Editing Award nomination, though ultimately not winning, but won the people's choice awards. "Watch" propaganda CG webby awards is a pioneer...

标签: 守望先锋