新关注 > 信息聚合 > 游戏主播刷下限:直播过程叫卖女性内裤


Game: Live anchor brush limit process before selling women's underwear

2015-04-28 19:18:51来源: 大河网

之前有业内人士爆料,游戏主播虽然能够收到来自直播平台的分成,但更多的收入则是靠推销周边、零食等商品所得。 不过据3DM Game网站报道,近日在国内某直播平台却出现了一个极端的案例,知名男主播solofeng在直播《英雄联盟》游戏的间隙公开叫卖女性内裤,此举也引得直播室一片哗然。 ...

insiders broke the news, although the game host can receive from divided into broadcast platform, but more income is selling snacks, and other goods from around. But according to 3DM Game website reported recently in a domestic broadcast platform, there is an extreme case, a well-known male anchor solofeng in the gap "hero alliance game" live openly selling women's underwear, which also attracted the live room in an uproar. ...

标签: 游戏 直播 主播