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给我三明治第5关三星攻略 Bring Me Sandwiches图..

Give me a sandwich fifth Samsung Bring Me Sandwiches figure..

2015-04-26 17:20:18来源: 4399

作为一款以休闲娱乐类型的游戏来说,给我三明治(Bring Me Sandwiches)增加了一些解谜的元素在其中,不仅增加了其游戏的可玩性,而且丰富了游戏内容。接下来小编将为大家带来第一章第5关的三星通关攻略。 游戏开始后首先在玩家需要知道三星的完成条件,第一个是分数达到1500分;在...

strategy as a leisure entertainment games, give me a sandwich (Bring Me Sandwiches) increased the number of puzzle elements in them, not only increase the playability of the game, but also enriched the content of the game. The next small series brings the first chapter fifth Samsung clearance Raiders for everyone. After the start of the game, game player needs to know the complete conditions in the Samsung, the first is the score of 1500 points...

标签: 三星