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《冒险岛2》女仆系统曝光 男仆和猫咪乱入

"The maid" Adventure Island 2 footman and cat exposure system into chaos

2015-04-26 11:48:04来源: 太平洋游戏网

《冒险岛2》官网近日曝光女仆系统,每个女仆都有独特的制造技能,比如制作食物、制作药水、炼金术和制作配件等。但虽然说是女仆系统,里面却混入了男仆,甚至还有猫咪。 此次曝光的女仆NPC一共有四名,每个NPC的特长都不一样,而且里面还包括了一名男仆和一只猫咪。 《冒险岛2》女仆资料如下...

"Adventure Island 2" official website recently exposed the system, each girl has unique manufacturing skills, such as the production of food production, medicine, alchemy and production parts etc.. But although it is the system, which was mixed with the boy, even a cat. The exposure of the NPC a total of four, each NPC skills are not the same, but it also includes a butler and a cat. "The maid" Adventure Island 2 is as follows...

标签: 冒险岛