新关注 > 信息聚合 > 美政府称正研究如何用游戏传播社会正能量


It studies how to use the game spread positive energy society

2015-04-24 19:52:11来源: 太平洋游戏网

在过去数十年,当“电子游戏”和“政府”这两个词出现在美国媒体报道的同一句子中时,往往伴随各种批判和冲突。而如今一位白宫顾问则表示,美国政府开始将游戏视为一种机遇,一种正面能量。 Mark DeLoura于2013年就任白宫科学科技办公室的高级顾问,将于今年(2015)年底结束他现在的...

during the past decades, said the United States government, when "this two word games" and "government" appear in the same sentence in America media reported in, often accompanied by a variety of criticism and conflict. And now a senior White House adviser said, USA government began the game as an opportunity, a kind of positive energy. Mark DeLoura in 2013 as senior adviser to the White House Office of science and technology science, will be held this year (2015) by the end of his...

标签: 游戏