新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中国手游杜鑫歆:未来会着力发展移动电子竞技业务


China Du Xin Xin Mobile Games: the future will focus on the development of mobile electronic athletics business

2015-04-24 19:07:11来源: 新浪


2015 year in April 24th, organized by the global mobile gaming alliance of the fourth global mobile game Conference (GMGC2015) at the National Conference Center was officially opened. From more than 40 countries around the world, more than 25000 mobile game industry elite gathered again in the annual industry event. GMGC2015 theme of the conference is "more than 2020, in order to explore the future!", the next five years, multiple mobile game...

标签: 手游 电子竞技