新关注 > 信息聚合 > CGDC引擎专场 游戏引擎与大作的竞技场

CGDC引擎专场 游戏引擎与大作的竞技场

CGDC game engine and engine special for the arena

2015-04-24 01:40:45来源: 太平洋游戏网

本届中国游戏开发者大会(简称CGDC)将设立引擎专场,官方会请来引擎的研发者与自己的好搭档游戏厂商一同来为大家介绍游戏引擎的优劣之处,在ChinaJoy这个最具影响力的舞台,较量一下真真儿的实力。 本届CGDC将有Unity、Cocos、HTML5等知名游戏引擎参与其中,也会有一些知...

the Chinese Game Developers Conference (CGDC) will set up a special engine, the official will be invited to the development of the engine and its partner game manufacturers to advantages and disadvantages of the game engine for everybody, in ChinaJoy the most influential stage, see truly strength. The CGDC will have Unity, Cocos, HTML5 and other well-known game engine involved, will also have some knowledge...

标签: 游戏