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3D坦克争霸遭遇战怎么玩 遭遇战玩法介绍

3D tank hegemony encounter how to play skirmish gameplay introduced

2015-04-23 21:05:01来源: 4399

许多小伙伴们可能不知道3D坦克争霸遭遇战模式改怎么玩,今天4399小编就带大家了解一下这个模式的玩法以及需要注意的地方。 ▍遭遇战规则 游戏开局便有红绿两方阵营对战,玩家每天可以免费参加一次战斗,第二次参战需要一定的钻石,VIP等级越高的玩家可以购买的参战次数越多。在规定的时间内击杀...

many friends may not know 3D tank for skirmish mode how to play, today Xiaobian 4399 will take you to explore the mode of play and the areas that need attention. Man encounters the rules of the game will start with red and green two camps battle game player, every day can take part in a battle for free, second war requires a certain amount of diamonds, the higher the VIP level of the game player can buy more. Within the stipulated time to kill...