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要闻点评:腾讯收入第一 网游抽奖违法?

News review: the first Tencent income online lottery illegal?

2015-04-22 17:38:57来源: 07073游戏网

07073游戏网4月16日要闻点评 2014年,腾讯超越索尼游戏成为全球收入最高的上市游戏公司;网络游戏未实行分级制度,用网络虚拟货币来抽奖涉嫌违法。每日要闻点评,就在07073游戏网! 2014年,腾讯是全球收入最高的上市游戏公司,72亿美元的年收入比2013年增长了37%。索尼、...

07073 game network April 16th news comment in 2014, Tencent beyond Sony games to become the world's highest income listed gaming company; failure to implement the classification system of network game, network virtual currency to draw suspicion of illegal. Daily news comment, just 07073 games network! In 2014, is the world's highest income Tencent listed gaming company, with $7200000000 in annual revenue growth of 37% over 2013. Sony,...

标签: 网游 腾讯