新关注 > 信息聚合 > 永不退热!盘点LOL十大最热门人气英雄


Never fever! Inventory LOL ten most popular popular hero

2015-04-22 16:37:12来源: IT168

【IT168 资讯】每个人都有自己心中的英雄,本文我们就来看看网友口中人气最高、最受玩家喜爱的十位英雄,是不是有你最喜爱的!欢迎大家来补充自己心中的英雄…… No.10 蕾欧娜 首先上榜的是象徵着温煦阳光的角色:蕾欧娜,在游戏中的定位属于辅助的位置,也就是要帮助特定英雄稳定成长,甚...

IT168 [information] everyone has his hero, in this paper, we have a look at the Ten Heroes of popular users in the highest, most game player favorite, Shi Bushi your favorite! Welcome to supplement their own hero...... No.10 Lei Erna first list is the symbol of a warm sunny role: bud Erna, positioning in the game belongs to the auxiliary position, is to help the hero very stable growth...

标签: LOL