新关注 > 信息聚合 > 寒冬将至《无冬OL》一封燃尽的信笺


Winter is approaching winter "OL" a burning paper

2015-04-21 11:34:45来源: 新浪

无冬CGWR 得分 CGWR:42 位 CGWR介绍 导语:《无冬online》作为3D正统D&D西方魔幻网游,其真正的魔幻底蕴之深厚令人惊叹。再加上游戏中超强的RPG代入感,高质量的画面及音乐,纯正D&D规则的传承,多样的种族职业选择,全新的TPS操作方式,海量的地下城探索等特...

Neverwinter CGWR score CGWR:42 CGWR lead: "no online" 3D D&D winter as orthodox Western Fantasy online game, the real magic heritage of deep awe inspiring. Coupled with the strong feeling of RPG substitution on the game screen, and the music of high quality, pure D&D code inheritance, race, occupation choice, the new TPS mode of operation, the massive underground city to explore...