新关注 > 信息聚合 > 立足中国辐射全球 聚焦GMIC2015全球移动互联网大会

立足中国辐射全球 聚焦GMIC2015全球移动互联网大会

Based on the China global radiation focusing GMIC2015 global mobile Internet Conference

2015-04-21 11:34:45来源: 太平洋游戏网

2015年4月28日,GMIC2015全球移动互联网大会将在北京国家会议中心举行,本届GMIC主题为“Mobile Everything! 「移」生万物”,灵感取自于《易经》中“太极生两仪,八卦演万物”的哲学概念。移动互联网浪潮的爆发,为人类带来了无限可能,GMIC2015在此大背景下再...

2015 in April 28th, GMIC2015 global mobile Internet Conference will be held at the Beijing National Convention Center, the theme of "Mobile GMIC Everything!" to move "things", "book of changes" inspiration from the "Tai Chi astrotech, philosophical concepts play all the gossip". Mobile Internet wave of the outbreak, has brought the infinite possibility for the human, in this context to GMIC2015...