新关注 > 信息聚合 > CF小兵成长计划4月第二期活动开启 地址详情一览

CF小兵成长计划4月第二期活动开启 地址详情一览

CF creeps growth plan in April second mobile open address details of

2015-04-20 13:43:27来源: 科技讯

CF小兵成长计划4月第二期活动开启,本次活动仅限16级及以下玩家,等级达人礼包必须在活动期间内达到相应军衔(等级)才可领取,经验套装和等级礼包每个QQ活动期间只能领取一次,活动大区一经绑定,不得更改。 CF小兵成长计划4月第二期活动开启,本次活动仅限16级及以下玩家,等级达人礼包必须...

CF soldier growth plan in April second opening activities, this event is limited to 16 and the following game player, grade Master package must meet the corresponding rank during the event (rank) can only be obtained during the period of experience, set and level packs each QQ only receive a large area, activity by binding, can not be changed. CF creeps growth plan in April second opening activities, this event is limited to 16 and the following game player, grade Master package must be...

标签: CF