新关注 > 信息聚合 > 通通抄袭CF?玩家神总结游戏圈里的“鄙视链”


All copy CF? Game player of the game circle "God of contempt chain"

2015-04-18 01:47:21来源: 逗游网

在各大网络论坛、贴吧、微博上都有一个特殊的群体,他们常常通过鄙视其他来证明自己的优越高贵。游戏圈中的鄙视现象也是日益增长,比如主机党与PC党对掐、LOL党与DOTA党互喷、法爷瞧不起屌丝战、一切皆抄袭CF等等。现在,某玩家就制作了一个游戏圈的“鄙视链”,这些鄙视你中枪了吗? 游戏鄙视...

in various online forums, Post Bar micro-blog, are a special group, they are often despised by others to prove their superiority of noble. The phenomenon of despising the game circle is also growing, such as the host of the party and the Party of PC, LOL and DOTA pinch party party, each spray method, look down upon the grass root of war, all from CF. Now, a game player made a circle of the game "contempt chain", these look down your gun game despise?...

标签: 游戏 玩家 CF