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梦幻唱战活动32强诞生 梦幻西游手游CC活动

Dream sing war activities 32 birth of Fantasy Westward Journey Mobile Games CC

2015-04-17 14:14:35来源: 4399

梦幻西游手游携手网易CC举办的《梦幻唱战》活动海选进32强比赛于昨晚落下帷幕,经过百里挑一的淘汰,最终32强名单已全部诞生。新一轮32强小组赛的舞台大门即将开启,快来为喜欢的选手投下决胜的一票!在32强决战中,是否会出现主播相互克制,就如大唐克制龙宫一般呢? 在昨晚的海选决战中,本身就...

Fantasy Westward Journey to CC Mobile Games NetEase held "dream sing war" activities into the 32 contest auditions ended last night, after the final out of the cream of the crop, the top 32 list have been born. A new round of the 32 strong group stage by stage is about to open the door, come to like the player to cast the vote! In the 32 battle, whether there will be a host of mutual restraint, restraint as Datang palace in general? On the night of the sea battle, itself...

标签: 手游 梦幻西游